
tf-seq2seq is a general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow that can be used for Machine Translation, Text Summarization, Conve...

Benchmarking Multidomain English-Indonesian Machine Translation

In the context of Machine Translation (MT) from-and-to English, Bahasa Indonesia has been considered a low-resource language, and therefore ...

Statistical and Neural Machine Translation Website

The website contains resources for research in statistical and neural machine translation, i.e. the translation of ...

WMT German to English news translation Using SockEye Toolkit

This tutorial we will train a German to English Sockeye model on a dataset from the Conference on Machine Translation (WMT) 2017. Setup S...

Subword-nmt Basic Use

Subword-nmt basic Use: 1 . Generate BPE model and dictionary subword-nmt leanr-joint-bpe-and-vocab --input corpus.path -s 30000 --outpu...

Cara Install R & RStudio di Windows 10

Cara Install R dan RStudio - Pada postingan  sebelumnya , telah diulas sedikit mengenai penjelasan tentang Pemrograman R. Sekarang akan mem...

Install SQL di Windows

Install SQL di Windows